The Magnificent Multitude Of Beer [infographic]

If you’re anything like me then your first experiences with beer was probably an American lager. To be more specific you were probably trying to force down some warm Keystone next to your classmate’s pool while their parents were out of town. If you’re anything like me then you probably see your high school self as some absurd caricature of embarrassment. Maybe American brewing will never be taken seriously. At least it’s appropriate in the sense that it’s hard to take yourself seriously when you can’t recall any memory where a case of light beer was present.

Some people find that an ice cold Natty still gets the job done while others have become full fledged beer snobs. Either way there’s something to learn for even the most knowledgable beer drinker from this infographic. Be sure to take this information and use it wisely however. Nobody likes the guy who won’t shut up about his imperial stout, but nobody likes that dude who’s running around the party wearing the empty cardboard that once housed twentyfour blue and silver cans on his head either. There’s a time to kick back and indulge in a microbrew and there’s time when you need utility in a can because you’ve just got to rage. All things in moderation.


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© Dylan Cope for Daily Infographic, 2014. |
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Post tags: alcohol, ale, american lager, beer, brew, drink, imperial stout, india pale ale, IPA, keystone, Lager, microbrew, natty, Pilsner, porter, Stout

Don’t Drink and Tweet [Infographic]

Scenario: it’s another weekend night, so it’s time for you and your friends to go out and have some fun, nothing out of the ordinary. You’re having a good time hanging out, kicking back and occasionally checking your phone for time, texts, status updates or what have you; you’re probably not thinking about your past relationships at all. But then you knock one or six drinks back and suddenly that glorious machine in your hand holds some new-found power: you’re going to tell your ex just exactly what you think about them and you’ll be damned if the rest of the world doesn’t know too.

Most of us have probably been in a similar situation with phones/social media and alcohol, and man is that next morning ever terrible. Running clean-up on embarrassing social situations can be bad enough, but doing so with a hangover, knowing full well you may have just burned some bridges? No thank you.

Today’s graphic from gives us a few examples of why you should probably put either the phone or the drink down if you’ve already had a few. Drunk dialing, while no less embarrassing, was so much simpler before the smartphone and social media. You have a few, make a bad call, then never speak to the person again (probably). With things like Facebook and Twitter, though, now you’ve got a magical megaphone to broadcast all of those sloppy emotions to everyone you know, and no one wants to see that.

For more, have a look at the graphic below. [Via]

© Grayson for Daily Infographic, 2013. |
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Post tags: alcohol, alcohol infographic, drink, drink infographic, drinking, drinking and facebooking, drinking and facebooking infographic, drinking and social media, drinking and social media infographic, drinking and texting, drinking and texting infographic, drinking and tweeting, drinking and tweeting infographic, drinking infographic, drunk facebook, drunk facebook infographic, drunk selfies, drunk selfies infographic, drunk social media, drunk social media infographic, drunk text, drunk text infographic, drunk texting, drunk texting infographic, drunk tweeting, drunk tweeting infographic