Education: The Montessori Method [infographic]

p>My grandmother helped me learn to read before I was four years old. I remember her providing my cousins and me with multiple ways of learning to read and write, but not always teaching us those skills herself. A lot of times, my cousins and I would play school and do our “lessons” together. I’m not sure I ever realized we were learning anything at the time; it always felt like we were playing.

Before I started teaching, I never realized how hard it was trying to help people learn something new. Some people just have a really hard time learning things from a teacher, and there’s nothing wrong with that. People don’t learn that way naturally. A lot of students have to take the time to figure things out for themselves to really comprehend it. Personally, I understand something better when I seek out the information on my own.

Fortunately there’s the Montessori method, an educational practice that focuses on how children learn naturally, helping them to “develop creativity, problem solving, social and time-management skills.” Although this approach to learning might be different than traditional schooling, the Montessori method has been used all over the world to help children learn for more than 100 years.

[Star Bright Montessori]


© Aisling Clare for Daily Infographic, 2014. |
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Post tags: benefits, child centered, children, education, educational approach, knowledge, maria montessori, method, montessori, natural learning, program, school, school system, scientific, students

South Carolina [infographic]

I’m writing this post from South Carolina, where I have spent the past week for a cousin’s wedding. Normally I’d be pretty cranky since I’ve spent the past week in a crowded house with over 10 loud and crazy relatives, but because South Carolina is pretty much the best place I’ve ever visited, I don’t mind at all!

The weather has been absolutely amazing, like mid 70′s all day. This is heaven since I’m currently living in South Texas, where the humidity usually overpowers any cold front that might pass by (seriously it was 88 degrees last Christmas). I’m sold on the beautiful weather and lush foliage here in South Carolina and I fully intend on making my way back up here for either graduate school, or a job. With that said, I figured I’d post some South Carolina facts so I can be a good citizen in the future. Today’s infographic gives us some historical facts about this wonderful state. Hopefully you South Carolinians will enjoy it! [via]

© Jasmin for Daily Infographic, 2013. |
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Post tags: bible belt, citizen, cool, East Coast, facts, history, knowledge, peaches, South Carolina, southern hospitality, trivia, Weather