What Drugs May Cause Weight Gain and How to Reverse the Side Effects

Prescription drugs are a fact of life for many people. If you rely on a certain medication to regulate your blood sugar, protect your immune system, or just ensure your overall health, you know the importance of drugs to treat specific medical conditions.
These drugs may keep you alive or may just make your life more pleasant and pain-free. Whatever type of drug you take, there is no medication that comes without its side effects. Some drugs ranging from antidepressants to allergy medications, can even cause weight gain, even if their overall benefits are worth it or necessary despite this unfortunate side effect. The weight gain is obviously worth it for a drug that keeps you alive and well.
So which drugs can cause weight gain and what can you do about? You may be able to reverse or lessen the side effects while continuing to take the medication as prescribed. Review the infographic below to learn more about drugs that cause weight gain and what you may be able to do about it.
Infographic presented by canadapharmacyonline.com

Pandemics Through History: Similarities Between the Spanish Flu and COVID-19

COVID-19 feels like uncharted territory in many ways, but the reality is that the world has faced many pandemics, with the 1918 Spanish Flu being the worst in recent history. It infected 500 million people worldwide–about a third of Earth’s population at the time. One of the best ways to cope with the present situation is to learn from history. Even though so much has changed in the last 100 years, there is a lot that has remained unchanged. So how does the Spanish Flu and COVID-19 compare?

In this infographic, we’ll take a look at the similarities and differences between the Spanish flu and COVID-19.

Infographic presented by: canadapharmacyonline.com

Qvar Redihaler Quick Facts Infographic

Qvar Redihaler is an affordable corticosteroid inhaler you might want to consider (for patients over the age of 4). It’s also the first, and only, breath-actuated aerosol corticosteroid inhaler, which eliminates the hand-breath coordination needed for most other inhalers. This makes it easier for young children to use the medication effectively. Qvar is a maintenance treatment and it is not a rescue or quick-relief inhaler. Qvar brings down the inflammation in the lungs and should be used daily to be effective.
If you or someone in your family have asthma and are looking for a preventative inhaler, it might just be time to give Qvar Redihaler a try. Be sure to consult your doctor to see if it’s the right medication for you. Qvar Redihaler does require a prescription to order.
Infographic presented by:  www.canadianpharmacyking.com

12 Protocols When Returning Home to Avoid Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has spurred on global quarantines and inspired everyone to take more precautions when returning home from necessary trips. Certain things can’t be avoided, like grocery shopping and working, for some. Check out these 12 safety tips to help you avoid COVID-19 when you’re coming back home.

Be sure to check out our other article, 12 Protocols for Grocery Shopping During COVID-19 for helpful safety tips when grocery shopping.

12 Protocols When Returning Home to Avoid Covid-19

Infographic presented by: www.canadianpharmacyworld.com

What is CBG Hemp flower

CBG stands for Cannabigerol. It is a natural cannabinoid like CBD and THC that is only produced in cannabis plants. Typically, CBG is known as a “minor cannabinoid” because the plant normally produces only minuscule amounts of it (1% or lower). But now, with selective breeding, growers can generate strains with high CBG content, upwards of 20%! Like CBD, CBG will not get you high. However, it may offer some qualities CBD doesn’t, like reducing optical discomfort or antibacterial properties. These flowers will also naturally contain other cannabinoids like CBD, THC, CBC, CBN, and more. Other cannabinoids present can intensify the effects of CBG when taken in combination with each other.
Manufacturers can process CBG flowers to make highly concentrated oil. Then they use this oil to create CBG rich products like tinctures, capsules, or edibles. However, there are many people who prefer smoking CBG flowers to gain the plant’s natural benefits.
CBG offers many of the same benefits as THC without getting you “high”. If you research hemp cannabinoids you will find they have many potential benefits. Here are some of the reasons why people prefer to smoke this particular flower:
  • Cannabinoid Rich Delivery
  • Instant Relief
  • Synergistic Effects
  • Heat Activates Phytocannabinoids
  • May Help Curb Nicotine Dependencies
  • Smoking can be Social
  • Cost-Effective

Infographic presented by cheefbotanicals.com


Malignant mesothelioma is a cancer. It affects the mesothelium tissue, which lines the lungs and chest wall, as well as the abdominal cavity, heart, and testicles. Malignant mesothelioma is caused by the inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers, which lodge in the mesothelium tissue. Visit https://www.mesotheliomahelp.org/

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