10 Useful Phrases To Know When Traveling In China
Traveling to China? Planning to backpack around? Here are 10 useful phrases you should know to make your trip more enjoyable!
Presented by www.translationservices.com.sg
InfographicExpo.com: Story and Data Visualization Through Infographics
InfographicExpo.com: Story and Data Visualization Through Infographics
Traveling to China? Planning to backpack around? Here are 10 useful phrases you should know to make your trip more enjoyable!
Presented by www.translationservices.com.sg
Traveling is a pain, and it causes pain too! I have never experienced any travel pain, but I have experienced the pain of traveling. Okay, I’m done with one-liners.
I’m sure anyone reading this has experienced a flight delay. Those are not fun. I Recently had a connecting flight in El Paso, Texas from Phoenix, Arizona. When I arrived to el Paso I saw that my flight was delayed 3 hours–I was livid! There were about 50 people arriving in the lively city of El Paso and they all came to the same horrible realization. I could tell that things were about to get ugly. Luckily since so many people were being delayed, they extended happy hour at the bar for the next 3 hours, half-priced drinks! We were quite a social group we all got to know each others lives over a few drinks. Turns out the band that plays with the singer Kimbra was delayed with the same flight and they had their instruments and played a little singalong that was amazing.
All of a sudden, about 2 hours into the delay, we began hearing our names over the intercom. Each person who was delayed received a free plane ticket to any destination in the continental United States! After we were feeling airport tipsy we all headed to our gate where all the seats were already taken, so we sat on the floor and started a massage circle! It was the greatest way to treat the pain of traveling. [via]
© Lena Long for Daily Infographic, 2014. |
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Post tags: cars, Delay, Kimbra, massage, pain, planes, S, travel, vacation
Have you been lusting over Pinterest pictures of Barcelona recently? Or dreaming of a chance meeting with the elves in Iceland? Maybe the undertaking of planning your backpacking trip across Europe has left you exhilarated, but at the same time, feeling a bit like a caricature of ‘the ignorant American’.
Have no fear! Today’s infographic shows us fifty things that will make us all more culturally aware of the countries we visit and better travelers in general. For starters, it’s not a bad idea to know the names of at least eight cathedrals or churches in Europe; also, know that Russians like their vodka straight — no mixers, please.
Be sure to know the difference in personal space in South and North America — South Americans like to get close when engaging in conversation, while North Americans may view this behavior as an invasion of personal space; wear clothes with lots of pockets when boarding a flight (if pockets are utilized correctly you could find yourself with an extra carry-on!); and go ahead and memorize your passport number — this can come in handy when you’re checking into your hotel, or renting a car, or when you’re filling out your customs form on the flight home and the exact location of your passport in your oversized/overstuffed bag escapes you.
Before you score a plane ticket, check out today’s infographic, and bask in your new-found knowledge of the world. [Via]
© Micaela Lacy for Daily Infographic, 2014. |
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Post tags: africa, airports, Asia, countries, culture, customs, europe, flight, flights, International, international airports, plane, planes, travel, traveling, traveling tips, traveller, travels
I have the travel bug. It’s been a year and a half since I have been abroad, and it is starting to get to me. This may seem like a short amount of time to you, but it feels like eternity to me. Traveling is like getting tattoos (or so I am told because I don’t actually have any tattoos), once you go on one trip, you’re going to want to go on a million trips. Here’s a better analogy: traveling is like the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Once you’ve seen one place, you are going to want to see all the places. And if you are going to see all the places, you best get a move on. If you’re not sure exactly where to start, check out the infographic below. It lists the top ten most visited cities in the world.
It can seem impossible to make it abroad, but I can assure you it’s not–especially for college students and recent grads. Yesterday I submitted a graduate application to a school in Barcelona. And I have numerous friends that have studied or worked abroad. I have a friend right now that is in Africa on a Fulbright scholarship and another two friends that just submitted their Fulbright application to teach English in Brazil. There are tons of options out there. If you want to travel, you will make it happen. [via]
© Lindsey Lawrence for Daily Infographic, 2013. |
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Post tags: 10 most visited cities, Bangkok, Global Destination, London, new york, paris, study abroad, travel, travel abroad
In honor of the final episode of Breaking Bad that aired this week, let’s give a shout out to breakfast–the most important meal of the day–and by far, Walt Jr.’s favorite.
Today’s infographic explores more than just bacon and eggs. It gives us a look at dining tables of breakfast eaters from around the world. Australians apparently prefer a brown spread called Vegemite on their toast in the morning; the Japanese enjoy soy beans on rice; the Moroccans like lamb stew; and Argentineans frequently sip Yerba Mate–a delicious, highly caffeinated tea.
And I couldn’t profess my love for breakfast properly without acknowledging a Texas favorite, the all-mighty and powerful breakfast taco. My personal favorite: potato, egg, cheese, and nopalitos (prickly pear!).
We’ve also probably all heard that in order to start your day right you need to eat a healthy breakfast. And according to today’s infographic, eating breakfast everyday makes you less likely to develop diabetes, and may even decrease your chances of becoming obese. Kids who eat breakfast also score 17.5% higher on math tests!
And let’s not forget that winter is approaching. I think eating a hot breakfast when the weather gets chilly is particularly satisfying. For me, a bowl of oatmeal or miso soup is the best way to wake up.
Go ahead, dig into today’s delicious infographic, and have a great rest of your day! [Via]
© Micaela Lacy for Daily Infographic, 2013. |
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Post tags: bacon, bacon and eggs, breakfast, breakfast foods, Breaking Bad, coffee, cuisine, Diet, eggs, Flynn, food, health, last episode of breaking bad, tea, travel, Walt Jr.