Importance Of Customer Satisfaction

Finding it difficult to meet your ROI targets? Here’s a full breakdown on the importance of customer satisfaction in this detailed infographic by FM Outsource. It covers all about why keeping customers happy matters, how it can benefit your business and effective ways to measure it. To give you some inspiration, it also includes some useful tips on how to track it and simple ways to improve customer satisfaction. The complete guide is available here:
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The Rise of Mobile Shopping: M-Commerce Ci, M-Commerce Ca

As part of an on-going project looking at the ways in which smart phones have affect our lives, loveit coverit has produced this infographic to show the ways in which mobile payments have advanced to rival traditional retailers.

Based on a survey of over 1,000 UK consumers, this looks at the preferred payment methods of shoppers, as well as the ways that they track their spending. Furthermore, this examines what people use mobile payments for and how much, on average, is spent.

Infographic presented by

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    The Complete History Of Coffee [infographic]

    Today’s infographic gives us a look at the history of America’s favorite pick-me-up: coffee. An estimated 1.6 billion cups of coffee are enjoyed around the world each day. This infographic shows a pleasantly structured historical timeline of the process of coffee making and some of the people involved.

    Make no mistake about it, coffee is an art form to many. Some people take their coffee seriously and are constantly searching for ways to create the perfect cup. The best method I’m told is not the french press method–which I had grown quite fond of. The single-cup pour-over method is apparently the best way to go. A passionate coffee maker, barista, and local business owner recently enlightened me with this information, and also shared the secret of presoaking coffee grounds to achieve a “blooming effect.” If you pour hot water over your coffee grounds and let them soak for 30-45 seconds apparently gases are able to escape and the coffee is able to “bloom,” which results in a better tasting beverage.

    I think it’s also worth noting that 54% of coffee drinkers say that coffee makes them feel more like themselves. But maybe they just like their caffeinated selves a little bit better. Either way, check out today’s infographic to learn more about your favorite cup of joe. [Via]


    © Micaela Lacy for Daily Infographic, 2013. |
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    Post tags: barista, blooming, blooming effect, business of coffee, caffeine, coffee, coffee beans, coffee blooming, coffee grounds, coffee infographic, coffee shops, espresso, infographic, local coffee

    Help Wanted: Bridging the Gap in Today’s Skill Lacking Economy [infographic]

    Jobs and careers are constantly on the minds of millions of Americans. We may be hungry for success, but do we have the right training and skills to actually achieve success? Today’s infographic discusses the growing “Skills Gap” in the American workforce.

    A skills gap is defined (by The American Society for Training and Development) as “a significant gap between an organization’s current capabilities and the skills it needs to achieve its goals.” This means that employers and employees are not exactly on the same page when work needs to be done efficiently.

    Why does this gap exist, you ask? The top reasons for the skills gap, according to today’s infographic, includes “skills of the workforce that don’t match company strategy, goals, markets, or business models; a lack of bench strength in the company’s leadership ranks; and less of an investment in training/a lack of support for employee learning and development in training/lack of support for employee learning and development.”

    We spend thousands of dollars on college educations, yet we still aren’t given the right tools to be successful at our jobs? As a recent college graduate, this idea is quite terrifying. And this statement is equally unsettling: “Worldwide, young people are three times more likely than their parents to be out of work.”

    How exactly we go about closing this skills gap, I can’t be sure of. But, I can say that mutual respect for employers and employees goes a long way when doing a job. Employers have to want to invest time and energy into helping their employees, and employees have to be willing to listen, be open to their employer’s wishes, and work hard. Caring about the work you do, who you work for, and who you work with, makes a huge difference in the quality of work that ends up being achieved at the end of the day. [Via]


    © Micaela Lacy for Daily Infographic, 2013. |
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    Post tags: American workforce, business, business infographic, career, careers, college, college degree, college degrees, employee, employees, employer, employers, Employment, help wanted, infographic, job, jobs, skills gap, work, workforce

    Hollywood Family Tree [Infographic]

    Most people know big Hollywood names like Jeff Bridges and Francis Ford Coppola, but some people may not know that they, like many other big names in Hollywood, are parts of large acting and entertainment families with many other prominent names. Jason Schwartzman has teamed up with Wes Anderson on multiple occasions with films like “The Fantastic Mr. Fox,” and “The Darjeeling Limited,” and he also happens to be directly related to Francis Ford Coppola. Some folks also might not know that Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage is another nephew to Mr. Coppola. That’s just the beginning, too.

    Today’s infographic gives us a look at some of the most iconic Hollywood families and how they’re connected to each other as well as other families. David Arquette’s father Lewis was in the business before he was, and his sister Patricia was married to Nic Cage for years. Kate Hudson’s father, Bill, was a musician who married Goldie Hawn and had Kate and her brother Oliver.

    For more on Hollywood families have a look at the infographic below. [Via]

    © Grayson for Daily Infographic, 2013. |
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