Am I Really Getting Free Stuff?

There are many sites now in the UK and the USA that offer freebies, and we have come across an infographic to advise you if you are actually getting free stuff, or if it is just a scam. This free stuff site, have done there research, like many other freebie sites as most do not offer genuine freebies, there always seem to be a catch.


Submit Your Infographic

If your infographic/website is commercial we ask for a $5 donation and at the same time you get a bonus package of 15 Ready-Made, Customizable Infographics On E-Commerce Topics.

Simply fill out our submission form below and we will review your infographic. Provided you are the original owner of the infographic (or a representative of the creator/owner), the infographic does not contain fowl language or … (you know what we mean), we will approve your infographic.

We do display some non commercial infographic for free on but all paid for infographics are published.

After you have submitted your infographic you will taken to a page where you can pay.

Use the form below and include the following information and make our job a breeze:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Title: The title of your infographic
  • Description: An original description that will appear above the infographic.
  • URL: Provide the URL as to where the infographic was originally published so we can link back to the original source
  • Embed Code (optional): You may also include an embed code if you would like more control over how your infographic is published (i.e. where to link back to, alt attribute text, size, etc.)

PS. Please only submit your infographic ONCE and please do not spam our site.

    Interview Preparation – The Decisive Factor

    If you’ve got a job interview then be sure to read this infographic. It turns out that success is all about old fashioned hard work, not confidence and charisma as some people would have you believe.

    The five tips below from Acuity Training will make sure that you show yourself in a good light at your next interview. The tip about following up within 24 hours of your interview is also great. Again it might seem like it won’t make any difference but the research says otherwise!


    Courtesy of: Acuity Training
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